Field trip organised for students from the Department of Nepali, NBBGC

Department of Nepali organized field trip to Nazitam, Sang to 4th Semester Nepali Honours students on 25th June, 2023. Field Trip was organized on the theme ‘Ramailo Ropain’ which means Enjoy Paddy Transplantation. Department decided to take this initiation in the meeting held on 16th June, 2023. Every summer, as the rain drops drizzled in the valley, it is time to celebrate the rice planting Department of Nepali, NBBGC organized a field trip to Nazitam, Sang, East Sikkim for 4th Semester students on 25th June, 2023. The Field Trip was organized on the theme ‘Ramailo Ropain’ which means ‘Enjoy Paddy Transplantation’.

Every summer, as the rain drops drizzled in the valley, it is time to celebrate rice planting (Ropain). With the elevation of technological development, rice plantation process has been easy and improved and generally replaced by the modern technologies. However, there are many places in Sikkim where the rice planting festival is celebrated in a grand way paying the tribute to the Nepali culture and tradition. Men take the responsibility of ploughing the fields using ox, arranges drain water and make fine mud slurry field while women gather the seedlings and plant them.

A group consisting of 43 students led by Dr. Tek Bahadur Chhetri, Assistant Professor, Department of Nepali participated in this field trip. Paddy field was cleaned and bund were prepared. After flooding, the boys levelled the field with harrow, mallot and leveller. Girl students took part in transplanting paddy. A team consisting of five members prepared traditional snacks of Dahi, chiura and jaggery. During levelling, the field and transplanting paddy plant students joyously participated in Ropain Geet (Nepali folk song on Paddy plantation) and Ropain Nritya (Nepali folk dance on Paddy plantation). There were 30 Ropars (transplanters) comprising girl students, 5 Bauses (Leveller, drainer, mallot man) comprising boys and 5 Biyades (Paddy saplings Uprooter) and Cooks.

Two College Buses were hired for the trip. The objectives fulfilled with this exercise were:
a. to enhance the knowledge of traditional paddy cultivation;
b. to develop team work among students;
c. to introduce and develop appreciation of Nepali folk culture;
d. to familiarize with the instruments and names of various workers specific to paddy cultivation.

The students thoroughly enjoyed this trip.

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