After a series of meetings, a Memorandum of Understanding has materialized between Northeast India Audio-Visual Archive (NEIAV), Department of Mass Media, St. Anthony’s College and Nar Bahadur Bhandari Government College, Sikkim. The principal of St. Anthony’s College Rev. Br. Dr. Albert L. Dkhar, and Dr. Debabrata Purohit principal NBBGC are the chief signatories, with Director of NEIAV Shri Natheniel D.N. Majaw and Dr. Reep Pandi Lepcha, Assistant Professor Department of English standing in as witnesses. The MoU became effective from 7th February 2023.The NEIAV is a public audio-visual archive supported by Sasakawa Peace Foundation as part of their project titled ‘Preserving the Memories of Northeast India’ and houses several audio-visual materials pertaining to Northeastern region of India. The MoU is a step towards establishing a nodal centre in the different Northeast states.
Nar Bahadur Bhandari Government College is the first nodal centre to be established by NEIAV Archive.The nodal centre will function as an access-point for all students and interested scholars to the plethora of audio-visual materials that NEIAV has amassed over time. It is part of the Archive’s initiative to build a knowledge sharing system that can benefit information seekers. A dedicated computer will be set up at the College Library where the materials will be made available on requisition.The memorandum also ensures a flow of activities and exchanges between the two institutions. An initiative to conduct joint oral-history projects and collection of audio-visual materials regarding Sikkim will be underway with the help of the students from the institutions. NEIAV will also help in digitizing, and preserving audio-video materials, which possess historical and academic importance, with the aim of becoming a repository of heritage and legacy.